Writing tips
Chronicle of Life allows you to capture the present and record the past. You can, for instance,
- Record what you did today
- Capture the life of a loved one
- Write down your memories of important periods or events
The most important thing is to start writing now: write down your memories and thoughts as they come to your mind without being too critical of yourself. You can always edit a story at a later time, but only if you create it first.
Record what you did today
Keeping a daily journal is the easiest and also most comprehensive way to preserve your memories. Some people like to write down a comprehensive account of their feelings and actions for the day, while others prefer to just write down three things they did that day. A daily journal may prove useful one day when you're trying to remember something important, and it will certainly be very interesting to you many years from now.
Capture the life of a loved one
Talk to a parent or grandparent and write down their memories while they can remember details. Use the questions listed below to stimulate the conversation. Or collaborate with a brother or sister to create a collection of photos and stories about your parents.
Alternatively, help your children remember their childhood by writing down their achievements, challenges and milestones, such as their first word or first bike ride, as well as any funny remarks. You can also add a photo every year to chronicle their growth.
Write down your memories of important periods or events
Many people use our service to write down the memories of periods and events in their life, which may ultimately become a memoir or autobiography. To save your memories, just add a new story and start writing.
Organize your stories by chronology
- Where were you born?
- Where did you grow up, and in what circumstances?
- What were your school and college days like? Who were your friends?
- What jobs did you have and what were they like?
- How did you meet your spouse and get married?
- How did the birth of your child or children affect your life?
- What relationship do you have with your grand-children?
Look at the big picture
- What were your most life-changing experiences?
- What were the most joyous or difficult times in your life?
- What were your most important accomplishments or disappointments?
- What were the funniest situations in your life?
- What would you do differently in your life if you could?
- What lessons did life teach you?
- Who are or were the most important people in your life?
- What is or has been most important in your life?
- What are your plans or goals for the future?
- Where have you traveled?
Pick the topic that seems most interesting to you, and start writing one or more stories about it. You can always change them later on.
Start writing