Directors and advisors

Daniel Friedman
Dan Friedman is a professor of economics at the University of California Santa Cruz. He joined the faculty in 1985 after teaching at UCLA and UC Berkeley and serving as a Senior Financial Consultant with Bank of America. He has broad research interests in applied economic theory, with recent emphasis on learning and evolution, laboratory experiments, and financial markets. The coauthor of three academic books, author of the popular book "Moral and Markets", eleven NSF grants, and dozens of research articles, he currently is studying how motives beyond self-interest affect market performance, and market formats for electronic commerce.

Jamus Lim
Jamus Lim is an economist at the World Bank. He was educated at the University of California, the London School of Economics, and the University of Southern Queensland, where he obtained his doctorate, masters, and honors degrees, respectively. Previously, he worked in academia (Centre College), for a think tank (the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), and in investment banking (J.P. Morgan Chase). He has published more than a dozen academic articles in both refereed journals and conference volumes, together with a host of op-ed articles for the general public.

Ethan Miller
Ethan L. Miller is a Professor of Computer Science and the Associate Director of the Storage Systems Research Center at UC Santa Cruz, and the UCSC Director of the Center for Research in Intelligent Storage (CRIS). He explores issues in file and storage systems and, more generally, distributed systems and operating systems. His current projects include archival storage systems, scalable file system indexing, file systems for next-generation storage technologies, file system security, and petabyte-scale storage systems. His archival storage research includes the Pergamum and POTSHARDS archival storage systems, which explored the use of disk for reliable, energy efficient archival storage and techniques long-term archival storage security, respectively.